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Random Rantings

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For You

Posted on July 19 2019 by Anuo N Mepfhii-o

We endured endings, 

even before it formed a name

in the lips of curious observers.

Wakeful midnight conversations,

revealing vulnerabilities that 

disclose semblances all too familiar;

drawing ‘patterns’ in spaces 

only we can understand;

basking in each other’s outré selves, 

as we tread on delicate lanes;

conversations that sometimes

result in sporadic silences 

that are all too loud to ignore;

But ‘every time’ we come

full circle, don’t we?

So, on certain summer nights 

when it is raining,

and you feel sad and lonesome, 

I’ll be somewhere staying up and 

writing poems for you.

Comment on this post
Acha hohh! When did I ever hide anything from you? ????????
Ahem!!!! Details details ????????
Love love! The ending broke my heart but in a good way ????????