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Darkness Winter Casts

Posted on January 10 2016

As you flirt shamelessly with

A stranger you will never see again,

You probably didn't know

He was sitting in the dark

Listening intently as you mock

His dreams and secrets-

Things he never even told his mother

Or people closest to him.

You probably didn't even know that

Right there in the darkness

He made a promise to himself.



As you glance across the room

Looking for the eyes that

You thought would be looking for you,

He was already on the streets

Walking on the promise he made-

From that night onwards,

He will never talk to you again and

He will never ever tell you why.

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Chief naval officer Christopher Pike is restored as leader with Kirk downgraded to the rank of Commander and first officer. Leader Spock is exchanged to another ship. Not long after, the Section 31 establishment in London is shelled, executed by the rebel Starfleet agent John Harrison (Cumberbatch). Harrison then assaults Starfleet Headquarters in a jumpship amid the crisis meeting about the circumstance, executing Pike and other senior officers. Kirk incapacitates the jumpship, yet Harrison escapes by transporting to Kronos, the homeworld of the threatening Klingons.